I was nine years old when I first saw my brother play counter strike. All he did in the game was kill people. It annoyed me as hell because we had just one desktop and he was at it for hours a day and I wouldn't get to sit on the PC.
One fine day, when he was out, I decided to see what the fuss about killing people was all about. I started playing and 5 hours later I realized what genius' the makers of this game were!!
From that day till now, I've practically killed of some few bi***es from school/college/my exes/publishers who didn't like my work. And I shit-you-not, it's frikken awesome!! :D The whole load of crap about violent games make you short tempered is utter rubbish. In fact if anything, games like GTA Vice City and Counter Strike relieve you.
Let me give you an example... I was at a party recently- minding my own business and eating the food in my plate. A typically skinny Barbie type chick was in the seat opposite mine pushing her food (I'm not sure if cabbage qualifies as food) around her plate. She looked at me as if asking me how could I live with myself (for some of you ignorant jacka**es, I weigh between 60-65, I guess). That very day, as soon as I got home, I killed her in-game about 60 times. That was my way of telling her... "Admit it you bi**h, food is better".
So all you overweight/useless/bossy/jobless people in the world; consider this as a message encouraging you to do what you want to in case that 'someday' never comes. Also, do not forget to kill off your bosses/exes/profs etc. (Advice to those playing GTA- the chainsaw weapon is awesome for some serious anger management :D). Go break a leg- literally :)
Also, take this as a warning and just buy the CD of these games if you are going to a party with essentially anorexic pretty-miss-stilletoes who only eat leaves kind of people- trust me, you need it unless you are one of them. :P
While typing this I'm wondering if Half-Life and Rockstar Games should pay me for the publicity ;)
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